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IP transactions

We assist clients in drafting and vetting an array of IP agreements and contracts. We have significant experience in drafting, vetting, and negotiating sector-specific agreements and ‘standard procedure’ documents for diverse industries. Following is the representative list of agreements and contracts we are capable of drafting:

  • Patents:
    • Manufacturing agreements
    • Licensing & commercialisation
    • Technology marketing collaboration agreements
    • Franchise agreements
    • Sub-licencing agreements
    • Assignment of rights in an invention
  • Trademarks:
    • Deed of assignments
    • Assignment agreements with or without transfer of goodwill
    • Registered user agreement
    • Franchise agreements
    • Distributor agreements
    • Co-existence agreements
    • Trademark license agreements
  • Designs:
    • Assignment agreements
    • Exclusive Licence agreements
    • Non-exclusive Licence
  • Copyright and related rights:
    • Co-production agreement
    • Deed of assignment of copyright
    • Dialogue and vocal replacement agreement
    • Actor employment agreement
    • Memorandum of understanding between two media companies
    • Licenses for publication, sound recordings, digital rights, broadcasting rights, publication rights.
  • Confidentiality and Non-disclosure:
    • Know-how assignment agreement
    • Confidentiality agreement between a company and an individual
    • Confidentiality agreement – both party obligations
    • Consultancy agreement
    • Confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement
    • Employee non-disclosure and non-compete agreement
    • Non-disclosure and non-compete agreement